March - The way out of the madness and another not quite race report

I saw a lot of Shining Tor this month. Always cloudy! A much wiser person than me once said 'I can cope with despair, it's hope that's the killer.' He may have been talking about decades of supporting Manchester City but it also summed up the mood of many people at the start of this month. We made it through the darkest days of the pandemic and lockdown but the release of the roadmap out of the restrictions brought a sense of terror. Things were returning to normal, but not normal. The kids returned to school but have to do a corona test twice a week. We are told that pubs and shops will reopen but social distancing and masks will be in place for the foreseeable future. We are worried about how we will cope when we are allowed to socialise again. What will it be like to stand in a crowd at the start of parkrun? Queue at a bar? Hear that one person cough in a quiet moment at the theatre? March also opened with some awful weather which sapped my enthusiasm for running som...